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Company of Heaven Dwellers

Join Us As We Engage the Heavenly Realm

Anthem A Song of Freedom and New Beginnings for HumanityArtist Name
00:00 / 08:17

Welcome to Company of Heaven Dwellers

Welcome family.  

We are mystic lovers of our awesome Creator and their happy gospel of abundant life and immortality. Our hearts are captured by the bliss of our inclusion and Oneness in Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. We are in them, and they are in us, and separation is an illusion. 


We know that they translated us out of the kingdom in darkness and into the kingdom of light, so we see ourselves living in the realm of light and we enjoy heaven now.  


Like little children, we activate our capacity to see, hear, smell, taste, feel, and sense, and we turn into awareness of our union with them and their unconditional love for us. This opens us up to the awe and wonder of face-to-face encounters and intimacy with them, where we experience the substance of their nature and ways. We explore their wonderland of realms, dimensions, places, atmospheres, ages, and mysteries.  


We can’t help but discover the realities of our new creation being and be changed and transformed again and again.  


There is a whole new world of relationships to establish with the multitudes of beings in heavenly realms!  

It is a huge privilege to understand that we have been made co-heirs and co-governors together with Christ of the multiverse. Now we relate with all beings and all creation from that honored place and with tremendous love. The future is bright because Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit included us in the function of governing to restore all creation, co-create the future and participate in establishing new heaven and new earth.   


In love and honor, we connect as equal members of the family of heaven, no one higher than another, yet all having individual expressions of Christ in us. We are here to grow together and also to serve in a mentoring and facilitative way so that we all develop into our fullest expressions of being.  


Today you are invited to a resource library of our previous encounters and teaching videos, where you can relax in an atmosphere of peace and rest and choose a topic to engage in. 


You are welcome to go into our member’s portal, look around and chat with us.  


We have weekly, live gatherings and events for you to join and participate in. Take a look through our gathering portal and see what resonates with you.  


We would love to have you grow together with us. 

Gradient Background

Meditate on these Words

We were co-crucified, co-buried, and co-raised together with Him and co-seated together with Him in heavenly places. Ephesians 2 vs 5-6: “We were hijacked without our effort.” 


See yourselves Co- raised with Christ. Now ponder with persuasion the consequence of your Co- inclusion in Him. Relocate yourselves mentally. Engage your thoughts with throne room realities where you are Co -seated with Christ in the executive authority of God's right hand. Becoming affectionately acquainted with throne room thoughts will keep you from being distracted again by the earthly realm. Colossians 3 vs 1 and 2 

We have been welcomed to an invisible Mount Zion, the city of Peace, New Jerusalem, the residence of the living God, the festive assembly of innumerable celestial hosts. We are participating in the mass joint celebration of heavenly and earthly beings, the Ecclesia Church of the Firstborn, mirror-inscribed in the heavenly. (Mirror Word) 


But you have come to Mount Zion, and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels in festive gathering, and to the assembly of the firstborn, who are registered as citizens in heaven, and to God, who is the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous, the redeemed in heaven, who have been made perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant uniting God and man, and to the sprinkled blood which speaks of mercy. (Amplified) Hebrews 12 vs 22 –24 

Living Life Differently

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